We Provide Flexible Services
James Brent Craig is Chairman and Executive Director of Stackforte Finance, a
analyst and forex trader with over 16 years experience in the Financial industry. He
has been trading since 2005 within which he developed a proven strategy and has been
able to teach his strategy to other successful traders with consistent results.
James has steered Stackforte Finance from an early online trading pioneer to a
facilitator of global capital market access, servicing individuals, private and
institutional clients in so many countries. As Director and one of the main
shareholders, James today continues to head the Stackforte Finance as chairman with
excellence a trademark to his abilities. Stackforte Finance started its journey as a
brokerage with James, alongside Joseph Harry, but quickly grasped the opportunities
presented by the advent of the internet and the world at large. James has given a
holistic knowledge of the financial industry. James is a family man from Miami,
Florida ,USA, loves to travel and engage in meeting clients. Its great to have
something to read on a regular basis. James is particularly interested in topics
related to public health policy, Fintech, startups and crypto. He also plays golf to
relax during leisure times , He likes the out doors. James is known by many people
through private accelerated trade program or investments . He is known for his
honesty and always delivers immediate impact.
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